
About Us

About Ashes

Lowest prices, quality guaranteed and excellence service.

Ashes is one of the largest and fastest growing online cigar retailers in the U.S., established in 2022. It is our mission to provide you with premium brand high-quality cigars at the best price.

The founder is a former military veteran who has traveled extensively throughout remote regions of the globe. During his travels, a fascination to find the best cigars became his passion. This passion has now become a life purpose.

This purpose has developed into fostering close partnerships with a selected supply chain premium tobacco agriculturalist thus providing you with the optimum cigar.


About The Owner

I am an Army veteran, while serving our country I grew fond of cigars. Over time my love for cigars flourished, I love the different taste, aromas and the company it attracts.

I am a family man with a beautiful wife, one son and seven daughters.